الأحد، 14 سبتمبر 2014

How To Burn Stubborn Belly Fat

4:29 ص |

If you would like to learn how to burn stubborn belly fat you have made already a wise decision.
Do you know that losing stubborn belly fat is one of the most important steps you can take to stay healthy for life.

A flat stomach is the ultimate symbol of a sex god
Most people are dead wrong when it comes to things like losing belly fat, abs training.
They think that exercices are the number one solution.
True exercices will help you but if you want to lose stubborn belly fat you will have to eat right.
I hope you are still interested read on and discover four secret methods to burn stubborn belly fat.
Method 1 # HIIT.
HIIT stands for high intensity interval training.
You don't have to spend hours in the gym or on your home trainer to lose stubborn belly fat.
Spend 15 minutes a day three times a week on HIIT and you will burn belly fat like never before.
The concept of HIIT is very simple do cardio exercices with a low intensity level
varied with cardio exercices with a high level of intensity.
Perhaps you don't realise it but you know already a few HIIT exercices.
- Spinning.
- Sprinting.
Let's say that you would like to start with sprinting if you want do HIIT.
The best way to do it is jog for a few minutes, sprint, jog again and so on.
Remember this is high intensity training don't cross the 15 minutes border.
Method 2 # Foods that burn stubborn belly fat.
You can do the best exercices in the world you will not lose belly fat with the right eating habits.
To help you out I give you a list with seven foods that burn stubborn belly fat.
- Eggs contain a high level of vitamin b12 and this vitamin helps your body to boost your metabolism rate.
- brown rice.
- mangoes.
- peppers
- radishes
- tomatoes
- cucumber.
Method 3 # Do not buy ab gadgets.
Also I have spend my hard earned money on abdominal gadgets and they don't work.
They don't work if you want to lose stubborn belly fat and they don't help you to get a six pack ab.
Sure the models on the tv commercial do have some great sexy abs
but the truth is that they are spending hours and hours in the gym each day.
If you really want to spend some money buy an subscription and spend some dollars on education material.

Method 4 # breakfast like a king.
Do you know the saying:
Breakfast like a king
Lunch like a prince
sup like a pauper.
This is true if you want to lose stubborn belly fat your breakfast should be your major meal instead of lunch.
Actually the quote above is not written by fitness experts you should eat every three hours.
Breakfast is not the first thing you should do in the morning the first thing you should do is cardio training.
If you are a big fan of cereal products do not forget to add milk to it.
I hope you learned something from this article about how to lose stubborn belly fat.
Keep in mind that you will have to make some changes in your live
but I can tell you it is worth the effort.
Discover the truth about abs and belly fat [http://www.hlo.cc].
Crunches, leg raises and set ups are uneffective.
Do you really use fat loss pills or supplement to lose stubborn belly fat?
If you are serious about losing abdominal fat then you must read
the work of Michael Gary the best resource when it comes to losing belly fat and six pack exercices.
Act now if you visit his site today you get a high valuable secret ebook for free.
the Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body.
P.s. To my surprise Michael has given away two other bonuses.
I'm very sure that this free offer will not last long

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