الخميس، 11 سبتمبر 2014

7 Simple Tips to Put You on the Quickest Way to Lose Weight

11:06 م |

Many start their effort to lose weight quickly with the goal to achieve very quick results and make the weight loss permanent. If you are one of the many with these aims, then the tips below could go a long way to help you meet your weight loss goal.

Have a plan
To achieve success in everything, there is the need for a plan. Any weight loss plan you make should be Specific, Measured, Appropriate, Realistic, and Time-bound". You can only put yourself on the road to success if you have a plan that meets the above specifications s. Your weight loss plan should be written clearly, and should show what you intend to do and at what time. It should also say exactly what you intend to achieve and exactly how long that will take you.
Aim to incorporate physical activities into your plan
Any weight loss plan that does not include some form of physical activity is bound to fail in the long run. Engaging in some form of physical activity or leading a very active life will make sure you burn more calories often. It is worth noting this does not necessarily involve spending hours in the gym. Walking, dancing, cycling etc. are all physical activities that can help you burn fat
Aim to reward yourself for success
Many people find that they tend to strive hard to meet their target if they make a promise to reward themselves. If you are one of such people then you could make yourself the same promise; that is, to reward yourself of something if you are able to meet your weight loss goal within the specified time. This could be a holiday, a dress, a visit to a place of special interest, etc.
Know when you are full
Many put on weight because they eat or take in more calories than the body requires. It is worth noting that it takes about 15 minutes for the tummy to communicate with the brain that you are full. Thus, your effort to lose weight quickly can be boosted if you cultivate the habit of stopping eating just before you are full.
Frequent sips of water while eating could cut the amount of food and calories you are taking in. Eating more vegetables and fruits could also help to keep you full for longer periods, cut the amount of calories intake and help you lose weight fast
Use a smaller plate
There is evidence to show that you eat less if you dish your food into a smaller plate. Thus, use a smaller plate for food. You will be surprised at how quickly the size of your tummy will shrink to accommodate the smaller portion to help put you on the quickest way to lose weight,
Watch what you eat when you go to parties
If you are a regular party-goer, it would be necessary to adopt very good self-control measures to help you control the amount of food you eat at parties. This is because a very good percentage of food served at parties could have a high calorie, sugar and oil contents
Keep Records
A records diary or book, showing what you intend to eat and the type of exercises you intend to do each day could help you track what you are eating and what physical activities you are undertaking. This will also help you track your progress and make it easier for you to make adjustments if things are not going to plan.

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