الجمعة، 12 سبتمبر 2014

How to Lose Weight Without Exercise - Is it Really Possible?

8:46 م |
Is it really possible to lose weight without exercise? With a lot of people these days facing weight problems, the demand for a way to lose weight has dramatically increased, and a lot of people want to learn how to lose weight without having to get up and do any exercise.

Well, first of all you will need to change what you eat. Cut out all foods with added sugar, as well as any refined carbohydrates. By refined carbohydrates I mean things like white bread, cakes and biscuits. Refined carbohydrates contain calories but no real nutritional value. Also, they will cause a rapid rise in your blood sugar level, and any sugar that you don't burn off will get turned into fat.
Eat complex carbohydrates that release their energy slowly, such as oats, wholemeal bread, rye, brown rice. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, as this will provide your body with the nutrients it desperately needs.
Also, be sure to always eat some protein with every meal or snack. Combining protein with carbohydrate slows down the digestion of the carbohydrate, and makes the release of sugar into your bloodstream even slower. By keeping your blood sugar level stable, you will find it much easier to stabilise your weight.

However, to maximise your weight loss, you will need to do SOME exercise. It is not healthy to not do any exercise at all. Consider walking. Even if it's just 30 minutes per day, it could make all the difference, and you will feel better in yourself too.

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